“I’m drowning
Being crushed
So deep
Alone………So empty
It’s dark
I’m scared
I’m sinking
Will I die if I touch the bottom?
I’m drowning
I fear
dying this way
but the surface is so far above
how much strength do i have left?
Can I reach it?
Is that heaven?
or is it just a breathe of fresh air
before my heart gives out
and i sink back
into the sea
save me
Is there anyone out there?
But who can hear the cries
of a man with no voice
for i am in the depths
and my voice lies far above
will someone take notice
that i fell in?
that I’m no longer next to them
Will anyone
dive into the depths and save me?
Will I be happy then?
At the surface
what is there for me
At least at the bottom
I have something to reach for
to wish for
If i reached the top
What would I wish for then?”
–Something I wrote about 6 years ago during a less then pleasant time in my life. Copy and paste straight out of my journal. Kind of just had the urge to share.
Thanks for sharing it. Its very expressive. There have been times in my life I felt like I was drowning. And for me death wasn’t something I feared it was something I wanted and figured it would end my pain. Now I am alive and most of the time I am happy to be alive. Things can change.
That’s really weird it sounds really similar to mine I’m not alone