A child so small learning how to open your eyes .takeing your first breath in this beautiful world.
A mother looking down into the eyes of your heart. Learning the truest love on this earth the for your child.
Five days in this world smiling from ear to ear .
A mother looseing her breath because her heart is loosing his .
Five days old in pain eating threw a tube and under a microscope.
A mother finding her heart then finding other worldly fear of looseing it .
Her heart under a knife.
Tears of joy are now filled with fear.
A father see his son taken into the sky baby first flight five days old .
On the six day baby boy will be home and soon seeing his son eyes and smiles.
Little baby boy I held 11 hours old I experience love at first sight . I love you whole heartedly.
I love you Baby and your baby boy .
Wow, is this an expierence or a poem? Both?