This sounds like when Donald Trump said, “who thought healthcare would be so difficult”? I’m sorry I am not trying to make fun of you, but I don’t know if anybody thought life would be easy, did they? I feel like everybody I knew always warned me when I was younger that it only gets harder from here.
oh i never thought life would be easy- i grew up dirt poor and life was always HARD. but i thought i COULD achieve happiness later in life. THAT turned out to be a pipe dream. O_o
Point taken. Perhaps the less intelligent you are, the easier it is to attain happiness? I mean wouldn’t life be easier and more fullfilling the less you knew? You wouldn’t be over-burdened with the plight of the world or socio-economic justice, sexism, racism, classism and every other type of ism if you just didn’t know anything about them at all? That type of ignorance must be freeing to those who experience it. I suppose that makes me jealous that others could be that happy.
oh most definitely. this i’ve already thought about. if you look at the greatest philosophers, mathematicians, scientists, writers, artists- past and present- you find most of them were super depressed. the whole “ignorance is bliss” is indeed true. Would I rather be a happy healthy idiot than a smart and knowledgeable person? YES, indeed I would.
Give me the goddamn blue pill! (ignorance)
(red pill = accepting a painful reality)
I’m “too smart” and “too knowledgeable” for my own good. Smart enough to know we’re being screwed every which way by the rules and conditions made by the elites, but not smart enough or have enough money to be able to do anything about it -_-
This sounds like when Donald Trump said, “who thought healthcare would be so difficult”? I’m sorry I am not trying to make fun of you, but I don’t know if anybody thought life would be easy, did they? I feel like everybody I knew always warned me when I was younger that it only gets harder from here.
oh i never thought life would be easy- i grew up dirt poor and life was always HARD. but i thought i COULD achieve happiness later in life. THAT turned out to be a pipe dream. O_o
thinking one can obtain a happy and fulfilling life is not the same thing as thinking life is easy. those are completely different things.
Point taken. Perhaps the less intelligent you are, the easier it is to attain happiness? I mean wouldn’t life be easier and more fullfilling the less you knew? You wouldn’t be over-burdened with the plight of the world or socio-economic justice, sexism, racism, classism and every other type of ism if you just didn’t know anything about them at all? That type of ignorance must be freeing to those who experience it. I suppose that makes me jealous that others could be that happy.
oh most definitely. this i’ve already thought about. if you look at the greatest philosophers, mathematicians, scientists, writers, artists- past and present- you find most of them were super depressed. the whole “ignorance is bliss” is indeed true. Would I rather be a happy healthy idiot than a smart and knowledgeable person? YES, indeed I would.
Give me the goddamn blue pill! (ignorance)
(red pill = accepting a painful reality)
I’m “too smart” and “too knowledgeable” for my own good. Smart enough to know we’re being screwed every which way by the rules and conditions made by the elites, but not smart enough or have enough money to be able to do anything about it -_-
yes, knowledge is a burden. go google “famous depressed people” and you’ll be surprised by how many famous ppl and famous geniuses were depressed af.
Abraham Lincoln, MLK jr, Tesla, Mozart, Beethoven, Tolstoy, Newton, Darwin, etc. There’s many many more.
There is definitely a link between genius and depression. And a link between knowledge and depression.
The less we know, the happier we are. There is a reason why the adage “ignorance is bliss” exists.