i am sick and tired of my drunk ass mom she never listens to me or even cares all i want to do is die doese any one have any tips on how to die fast if u do ge back t me cause all i want to do is die right here and right now i cant take all of this anymore more my life is litterly a liven hell it is like there is no god or right or justice jut devil hell and wrong please just tell me wat to do so ii can die and get of this hell of a planet
Okay slow down because it sounds like your not thinking straight. Maybe start by explaining why you think yr mom doesn’t care, and why do u want to die? Maybe someone can help you if you talk about these things
i dont think she cares because she is my stepmom and she goes to the bar every day and she treats me like garabge and i want to die becaause i cant take wat my mom days and i cant stand wat happened wen i was little