I have attempted suicide a few times without success. I have suffered from menatl health problems for years an now been told i have a borderline personality disorder I feel more scared of living than dying I have researched on what the best an most painless way of dying an the helium seems a great choice so am in the process of purchasing all the equipment i need so i can die painless.
I’m also borderline and know the feeling all too well, living is very scary, I feel suicidal right now, one of the reasons I logged onto this site tonite, you need to fight this and not give up. Dont ever give up.
You shouldnt do that. Really its a mistake. Even if u dont think so, there is Or are persons who love and or admire u and wud b devastated to know tht u took ur own life bcuz of the pain u r feeling. PLEASE talk to SOMEONE: family, friend, kind teacher or adult or an acquaintance or something. Please DO something other than this. It is a MISTAKE. <3 I Am sorry that u feel ths way and im not doing the greatest my self, but please please just dont do this. U know in ur heart what u want… To live and be loved. I pray that u choose to follow ur heart and i hope u find happiness someday. <3 i really do. Please know that its okay to love yourself. Signed, A compassionate friend <3
In the same boat myself.
And I have three combined methods this time so I will not fail again.
You may or may not have a personality disorder. You have a personality nonetheless.
I do duke. I know i have a lot more than some people do but to me i feel that this is the only solution to me as i can’t fight with this anymore. i feel i am in a constant battle with myself i have tried to keep afloat but when your body an mind are in turmoil all the time the only way out is death which gives me peace.
I know you want to talk about this but I’m badly out of sorts. One_Day and Distant.road are better at this than me.
The question is, is your desire to end things greater than your desire to end the pain?
Death ends all.
But there might be ways to make your life easier if you would just try a ton of different actions and thought processes to see what works for you.
And yes I am hypocritical in this but I do feel those who seem to have hope left stay living.