i know a lot of people come on here and just complain…and then some other guy comments something inspirational, like those few words are really going to make up for a life full of pain, regret, and anger? i understand tho, im always that friend who tells them that their is always something to live for, im usually that person who tries to say something inspirational and save the day. But if i dont even believe in the crap im dishing out why should anybody else? am i that convincing? Or are my friends just so surprised that a pretty face can have brains too? I know now im really too young to ever see who my true friends are and im ok with that because id rather be alone anyways, wouldnt you? when your in that state of mind where all your thinking is how sucky your life is and how nothing could ever get better wouldnt you rather suffer alone and not look pathetic to your friends and family? i know thats why i havent dont it yet, i havent killed myself yet because because no matter how low i get i always have that fear of looking pathetic. I know typical high school crap, but thats just how it is for me and im sure thats how it is for any other teenagers on this site. im rambling…but sometimes you just need too…..
No words can make up for anything.
But to some people words can be a lifeline that gets them to hope and believe again.
Even though it might be from someone who has already given up.
The message is important and not the messenger.
In many cases a criminal can be more pivotal in stopping others from being criminals than someone who has never committed a crime.
I don’t know if I’d use “complain” per se, but vent and rant yes. But hey, that’s okay – we have to let it out before it eats us alive. As for those inspirational words, I’ll have to agree with U.N. – they can’t make up for things and cannot always solve problems, though they give hope… a lifeline. I don’t think that’s not entirely true that you cannot know your true friends, but I do agree that it is hard to see… I know what you mean by not wanting to tell others in fear of what they’ll see and think of you – but I hope you see that others CAN( not always… ) be understanding and supportive. It isn’t pathetic to be depressed or frustrated with life. There should be no shame in that… I guess it’s easier said than done though. Aye, sometimes you just need to rant and let it out – so feel free to rant all you please.