Since my last boyfriend broke up with me, I deal with suicidal thoughts. There are times that I am happy, but they are really short. It looks like every boy I love and loves me back, just replace me for someone else. It really hurts and even though they say I’m so nice and I will find someone else, I never find someone. To make things ever worse; my granddad and grandma died. And my uncle is going to die as well. People at school know a bit of my problems. But not everything. I don’t want them to help me. I’m a big girl. I’m going to solve this by myself. The people who know don’t help me anyway.. So yeah, I’m all alone and someday I’m going to die because of suïcide.
Listen you could find somebody better if they leave you its obviouse that it wasnt ment to be but as you get older you will find somebody better then all the lil boys you have dated its a matter of time
Lots of situations are blessings in disguise, it just depends on your attitude about it. No one can validate how important and loved you are except YOU! Most people are scared to give themselves the unconditional love & appreciation they deserve mostly cause it was never reflected back to them by their folks. It’s a practice you have to cultivate, and you get stronger from within by doing it. You have to make you happy, and not guy no matter how many are responsible for filling that space that only you can. When you do that, then you attract a guy that reflects your true nature, and the relationship is a no brainer cause it just flows…the way relationships should be. Good luck!