Heh, I never realized Saturday was spelled with “turd” in the middle.
I’m talking permanently, not ppl who experience sadness/depression and okayness/happiness in cycles, even if the cycle lasts years. I mean does anyone with severe depression ever really FULLY shake it off?
Even if there are, I don’t think there’s many that escape. I would gather maybe 10% fully escape/overcame their depression, the majority prolly like 70% are just “managing”/feeling okayish/stable, and the other 20% stay severely depressed for life.
Imagine if we all had that ONE person in our lives? Can change that person forever. Sadly, I didn’t have that one person :'(
-the 2nd video is a 1on1 interview with the woman
Being a good person and having a heart => YOU’RE FIRED!
Being a douchebag that treats your thousands of employees like crap => congrats, you’re the best CEO ever, and here’s your $100M annual compensation package!
’tis life in ‘murica….. -_-
And…you wonder why I am jaded and hate this stupid shitty selfish messed up world?
I think it began by choosing the wrong college. I chose the #1 ranked university in the state. I thought rankings mattered. I thought education/learning mattered. Ha! How stupid. In reality, I should have chosen a richer school with wealthier students. No competition but huge connections. Instead, I chose a poor school with poor kids, but super competitive and little benefits. Outside of the state, the school is not known at all.
Case in point- I had a friend who went to my school, was on academic probation, and eventually kicked out bc she couldn’t even manage […]
Me- to be loved and accepted for what I am (and what I am not)
I think a large portion of depressed ppl are depressed bc we spend all our childhoods in school, till 18 or 22 for most ppl, then we work a dull job for shit pay for ~45 years, then “retire,” only to have nothing to show but poor health and little money. Sure that’s not everyone, but that’s a large, significant portion of the population here in America.
Are there opportunities? Sure, for a few. For the middle class and rich. But being born poor or to poor parents, what are your options? Meritocracy is like a leprechaun at this point. […]
SO here’s the thing- sure I’m depressed with MY life OFC. But I’m ALSO massively depressed bc of the way the world is run, how everything is rigged by the soulless assholes at the top who control everything. I’m depressed about the inequality, injustice, corruption, economic rigging, political rigging, hell pollution too. Thing is, most ppl don’t care about all this stuff, or if they do, they know it exists but go “eh.” It doesn’t bother most ppl enough to be upset about it for more than a few seconds.
Or they’ll feign anger or whatever emotion they feel like they […]
We can’t trust “facts.”
We can’t trust “science” when “science” has an agenda.
We can’t trust anything we see in the media. The media is owned by capitalist soulless assholes, I mean billionnaires, who have an agenda.
We can’t trust anything a corporation tells us. Even “facts” like how much energy we’ve used read from our “smart meters.” Can we really trust that ANY of that data is correct?
Nope, we can’t trust anything anymore. Is it a wonder why ppl are depressed? Like yes, I’m depressed about MY life, but I’m also fucking depressed about this world. Or […]
Well here’s a chuckle:
Isn’t it a complete waste of MILLIONS of lives to have so many ppl depressed/jaded about life/dejected about everything? Well except the government/corporations would like it that way- if ppl are depressed, we aren’t striking/rioting/organizing/demanding change. People who are inactive aren’t a threat to the powers that be. Medical Industrial Complex being one of them.
Anyhow, from an individual POV, depression is such a waste. How many of us would be so productive if we weren’t depressed? If we didn’t feel shit about the world or our lives?
I feel like I’m typing into the void- sure a few ppl are […]
This penguin was a loner, didn’t “hang out” with the other Penguins, and kept walking toward the mountains where it would lead to certain death. Wish the guys had followed the Penguin to the end to see what it did, and why it wanted to walk towards the mountains.
Independent Penguin buys his own fish
The Smartest Penguin in the World Goes Shopping for Fish!!