I know this site is anonymous and that’s why everyone’s on it. But…wouldn’t it be curious what we all look like? Like I imagine we all pass each other on the streets, never realizing this person or that person has depression, or is suicidal.
OR on the flip side, see a stranger IRL and automatically know their story, their true self, and not the face they show to the world.
Nothing like screwing ourselves royally, eh?
What if we don’t have the strength to continue (or make the huge necessary changes to our life), but what if we also don’t have the strength to off ourselves either? Stuck in a life of not really living and not dead.
I’m just so exhausted with life…but I don’t want to die not having lived a happy life and not having accomplished anything. If I quit now while I’m miserable, I feel like this stupid shitty universe has “won,” and I can’t have that. I would only live and dig a better life out of spite- like fuck you universe, […]
and I don’t mean death. Imagine if our depression/loneliness/self-hate/guilt/anger/fear/etc all dissipated and we became happy well-adjusted productive members of society? I know, not gonna happen, but…sigh…wishing shooting stars did grant our wishes O_o
Well…technically…shooting stars COULD grant our wish- if our wish was for Earth to get obliterated. 🙂
Organs nearly taken from living man
1- NEVER just blindly trust a dr or nurse- hospitals and drs and staff lie to patients ALL the time. Either they intentionally lie, or they’re just incompetent AF. And 100% don’t care.
2- It’s not like drs are ever wrong, are they? *sarcasm*
3- The ENTIRE staff (slews of drs and nurses and attendants) just flat out IGNORED the “brain-dead” guy thrashing around and trying to push ppl’s hands away from cutting him open. JFC.
4- Sure the hospital staff was either evil or stupid af, or both, but NO ONE is blaming the […]
Is it better to be intensely depressed and hateful of people and hateful of this world, or is it better to cut off all your emotions and feel apathy?
Go ahead- Name something “good” about this shitty world. What have you come up with?
Almost everything “nice” or “good” you can think of generally requires someone to have money to be able to enjoy it- even a “nice walk” in nature. If you live in a shitty neighborhood, there’s no “nice walk.” It’s all garbage and crap around you. ESP where I am currently. And ESP if you live in the city. Trust me, if there were nice areas nearby for me to walk, I would be out more often instead of holed up inside this shithole.
There’s good food, […]
Americans LOVE to blame EVERYTHING on drugs, or alcohol, or video games, or whatever easier thing it is to blame. People do drugs BECAUSE their lives are broken, BECAUSE they feel depressed, NOT the other way around. I mean sure, there are a few who are sane/happy who try it and can’t stop. But most who do drugs do them BECAUSE they are unhappy or have some issues with life, and drugs help them cope/escape.
It’s so annoying and disgusting to see the general populace just brush everything aside like, “oh these ppl are just addicts, and everything is their fault.” Just […]
I have nothing against dogs themselves, but I find it SO damn strange/sad that ppl care WAY more about 1 dog/cat/whatever cute pet, than they do about HUMAN lives. If ppl cared for other HUMANS the way they care for dogs/pets, we wouldn’t be in such a shitty, cold, callous world.
I know so many ppl who are so loving to dogs/animals but are such dicks and douches to other humans. Like, they all think they’re SUCH good people bc they love their pets or animals in general, but then 2s later, turn around and be hateful/cold/callous/uncaring to humans. Like at least admit […]
I don’t normally follow celebrities- hell, I didn’t even know this kid was in 1 Direction (and no I don’t follow boy bands, or girl bands, or bands in general).
But I find it strange how the media coverage would never even whisper “suicide.” Is it possible it’s an accident? Sure. Is it also possible it wasn’t an accident? Sure. He was reported to be very depressed.
So the hotel manager called 911 and said he was acting erratically, breaking things, and high on drugs and alcohol. And Liam fell from the 3rd floor. Usually most ppl […]
But what can I do? I’m too tired, mentally and physically, of all this bullshit.
This is about as much “social contact” as I have- posting words to anonymous strangers at a site like SP. Every now and then I post to other groups but I’ve given up on them. Why? All the other groups have TONS of ppl- you post and NO ONE remembers your story. It’s just one post. People reply, and then they forget about you. That’s literally ppl’s attention span. From one post to the next. Hell- I wouldn’t be surprised if Gen Beta can’t even hack 280 character long tweets, given our skyrocketing ADD trends. […]
Most normal ppl are into butterflies and unicorns and other sickening things lol. How many of us here are into horror stories, true crime, true medical mysteries, dark tales, death and just weird unusual things? Vs how many here are into 100% “normal” stuff?
@husk- not trying to discourage you- idc if you get something off the net- funny enough, this just happened to pop up on my feed just now. google is probably “reading” my posts to recommend this to me. so this guy is a dr and does these videos narrating/re-enacting real medical events.
i’m sure this is a rare-ish event, though it’s these kinds of stories that deter me from getting illicit things off the ‘net. even in person, i wouldn’t know how to verify the quality of said items since i know nothing about any kind of illicit items.
one time, a friend’s […]
WOW, I always felt and knew that Americans were dumb since I was in JHS, bc I know our education system is absolute shit. But apparently there’s actual hard evidence to back that up.
@10:55- Study in 2019 (done by British Researchers)-
IQ of Japan = 106.48
IQ of USA = 97.43
Difference = -9.05
That’s NINE whole points, which is HUGE in the IQ scale.
Also, it turns out, it’s not even all due to our shit education system. Our decline in education began in the early 80s. But the decline in American IQs began to be seen as early as the […]
What do you do when you intensely HATE this fucking planet and all the shitty ppl in it?
Yeah yeah “there’s still good ppl out there” but that don’t mean shit when everyone *I* am in contact with are fucking assholes and douchebags. And by in contact with, I don’t mean any current ppl that I am voluntarily choosing to speak to. By “in contact with” I mean all the assholes in my life that fucked me up, abused me, used me, manipulated me, etc. Starting with shitty ass family. And later branching out to shitty ass bosses/superiors. You don’t have […]