Been absent for a while, no reason why except trying to spend more time with my dog. My muse, my reason for living. Thought we would have another 5 or 6 years together but another one of life’s cruel jokes, he has malignant tumors. So far they don’t seem to bother him just started him on some pain killers, 🙁 so I know its not long now. I have always said when he goes I go, the difference now compared to before is I am angry!! I used to think about nice peaceful ways to exit, not any more, its going to be big and […]
never in my life did I think there were as many people who feel the same way as me. I am 45, been battling since I was 10 or so. I have won and lost, two prior attempts that but by the grace of God i survived. However even though I firmly believe I am a walking miracle I still know that one day I will end it.
I don’t know exactly when, but I do know what will be my last straw, and that will be when I lose my best and only true friend Chip. my chocolate lab. he is 6 now, so […]