Soft whit magazine covers and a slightly shuffled rug that I have named Charles. The same glass in the windows that was there before, god they must be tired of my finger prints. I should really use the doorknob but sick people rub there noses and then touch them and that weirds me out. Anyhow it’s a sick condition game “are you ill enough to buy your way out of here with a prescription or 2? or do you need more time for the infection to set in a little deeper? It’s ok if you need more time, there’s still a few animals left […]
Love is innocent, until it goes to far. Now Were Burning Churches Down To Take Back The Night!!
I swear I would kill myself just to make my stomach stop hurting, but I just can’t give my stomach that kind of satisfaction!!! I have an intestinal disease (celiac) that I’ve been battling all my life but its been hospitalizing me for about 10 years now. And god forbid if I tell a doctor that I’m tired dealing with this shit then there ready to have me mentally evaluated. One of these days Alice, right to the fucking moon!!!!!
she nods off when, the cool wind blows, through the tree tops, her open window. it fills the room and, the chair she sits in, a kind of cold she, felt as a kid.
And she just sits there, she just sits there, in the night air, the cold night air.
The time has gone, the song is over! Thought I’d something more to say.
I’m am writing this to you from my bedroom floor. Two bottles of wine later and I have not died yet.
Synopsis for the…. Night/morning: if not dead, wake up and drink more.
Thank you,
That is all xoxoxo
I want to be level, balanced like everyone else. But I feel that I can’t tell anyone for the fear of being exposed, my family would never understand if I seen a shrink.