I’ve just needed to get this story off my chest. It’s been two years, and I’ve only told two friends and my councilor. This isn’t much of a story, but when I begin to think about suicide I remember the saving thought that I had. A lot of the time we feel so alone in the world. It can be for many reasons, but I think what I learned is, you’re not alone. No matter what you want to believe to make choosing suicide easier, you’re not alone, someone will still feel grief for you when you pass. For some people that’s not much of […]
I am a college student in the lonely Midwest. I am usually just a fun, bright, positive person, but I struggle deeply with Bipolar Disorder (also have OCD, and sometimes that can get me really upset). Not to mention that I have experienced some very traumatic things through my life. I never actively seek death unless I'm upset or enraged. I am on this site merely to share my thoughts and feelings as I am too afraid of hurting my friends and family with my thoughts of suicide. I wish they would understand that I am ill. That I have a chemical imbalance in my brain, and that being diagnosed by two separate doctors would validate my concerns. But, that is another trouble for another time.
So I’m struggling with my bipolar currently. But I had an extremely severe allergic reaction (to the point where I nearly died confused, scared, and in pain) so I’m not looking at medication as an answer. But, currently I’ve been thinking about suicide. Just stepping outside in the below zero weather with no coat, and waiting. That may not be the best method, but it’s the one I’ve been fantasizing about.
I’m not sure if I should bring this up to my councilor though, since I am not actively seeking death. I just am fixated by it currently. I’ve been looking into the sea of trees. […]