I used to have a problem with crack/heroin and more than once i was hospitalized because of it. Although at the time it was not an intentional overdose. I still remember before and after it but not during, u just slip away silently. No mess just easy to deal with for those who find me. You don’t feel pain or nausea you just go to sleep and hope that no-one finds you to stop the process. For me its just a matter of when and where.
Im 22 and have been self-mutilating for 10yrs, I've recovered from Anorexia but still engage in bulmic traits. I have been in a total of 7 different hospitals ranging from acute wards to low-secure wards. Im petrified of normal life, i can't get a job because of a criminal records check which would show i was sectioned. It seems no matter what i do it will never be enough, just when i feel a teeny bit better i fall further than before.
does anyone feel peace when they start to contemplate suicide i know i do.
Im 22 and have had so many issues over the last 10yrs, Anorexia, Bulimia, Clinical depression, bi-polar you name it. I’ve been in 7 different hospitals and am finally home after a 4yr stay. It seems even though i am home im still petrified of a normal life everything terrifies me. I finding it hard to get a job as employers ask for a criminal records check and mine will show cautions for criminal damage and narcotics possesion (Im not proud of that), even going into town on my own or taking the bus is so god damn scary. The idea of sociaising is so […]