my mom’s in the ICU. I hope she’s ok.
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trash times we’re in. ^ Gaga’s migraine ad partnership
Crazy it started here.
Not a filter^ look for the YouTube play button lol
((In short, this woman started giving me shout outs for being bullied and over time, started putting insults on her YouTube videos. Im an accused terrorist and was barred […]
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Saw this one woman bawling down the highway in a car.
Theory 1) She’s going back to gel
Theory 2) She’s moving away from this dump
Theory 3) She’s singing
wow. it worked. i flew under the radar. now my sn is shipping here. Finally. /Fresh air/Deep breath
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Well, peeping Tom Americall received a $13,000 + bill from disability. He was working and cheating the system. Finally nailed him for being a scumbag. He should owe more for taking vacations on it when he was living with his parents. Lol that guy has put me through so much. Slapped me around. Preyed on me.
Back in the day, he was the type to compulsively lie about his “straight A” report card, being class president, honor roll society, stripping naked for a speech in class and the girls were “squealing” as he was escorted out.. or he lied and said he walked into an art […]
/opening up about being suicidal /then getting slapped in the face /gets caught actively ingesting poison /receives support to throw away the poison/ gets slapped in the face with it’s not my problem/ calls me ugly some more/months go by/the humiliation is permanent/ and poison is hard to buy/ but this sale might go through/ I’m ready to let go/ I’m tired of lying to myself/
I was interrupted that morning. Lawn workers. Or I would’ve drunk more. I felt happy gagging with pale skin. I wanted my fingertips to turn blue. I wanted my lips to turn darker blue. I felt free in those moments. […]
If you’re going through abuse, unseen or unheard,
Just know, you’re amazing, smart and strong. Don’t let others lie to you that you’re worth nothing, that everything’s your fault, or that you aren’t good enough for others. Don’t buy into those sick games that mess with your head. It blinds you in a way that the outside world starts looking meaner than it is. It isn’t your fault. You get edgy, feel powerless, brain fogged, angry and sad. It makes depression worse. You deserve happiness. You deserve respect. I know how it feels and I’m listening with an open heart if you need one. You aren’t […]
Unbelievable that this man is still a felon for being himself. How did he stay so strong through this? It’s incredible how he grew from all of it and accepted who he was in the end. Staying connected with the community is so important for mental health.
Oh, this one’s a cutie-patootie. It is important to know that gays weren’t allowed to serve in the military and some still suffer from those restrictions today.
Well, I saw my siblings and had a night out. It’s like medicine, idk. I feel a lot better. Pulled me away from the suicidal funk. A little bit of “happy pride month” and I didn’t even bring anything up. They say it like it’s Xmas. ? it means a lot, and having family. Man, it’s been years. Where have I been. I don’t have to vent. Didn’t have to bring up my suicidal crap. Natural laughter, catching up. Old birthday gift from 2019. A […]
I want to die so badly. Pride month means nothing anymore. I’m tired of existing in a hateful world. Gaga told me to drink poison and called me ugly on her video. That’s a felony right? I was already going to kms. But she did it on June 1st. I want to hang myself today. I can’t take it anymore.
I can’t decide if dusk or dawn is when* Might be morning, because I’m always up at night. Those last moments are so important. I have coffee now, so maybe that. I don’t watch much TV. I haven’t decided honestly.
What my kidneys will look like after drinking **
What my heart will look like after drinking **
Kind of scary. I probably should’ve asked for MB at the hospital my first time. I think I’m ok, like lefty there.
This is making me hungry. Gonna make some pizza.
I wish I could go back to s*********.com. Felt nice having a chatroom. I noticed that more businesses were regulating what I need. Prices rising, too. The bastards.
I can’t believe /the woman I was thinking of/ was behind a podium advocating for mental health, donating to big charities, writing essays, hugging kids, holding group sessions, “healing the world”… I wonder what other victims have gone through… It’s just so odd… Maybe she’s only “Mental health guru” when she’s in a good mood. That’s not genuine.
Nothing she did was okay. I deserve better than the treatment I received. Never let anyone tell you that you don’t matter as a person. You deserve better than that. Like me.
I reached out over this. I feel better hearing this from an expert on narcissism.
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