Word of warning: Ambien, especially Ambien CR has the potential side effect of severe depression. If you are taking it and feel almost as if a best friend has just died, STOP taking it and contact a doctor. If said doctor instead puts you on Wellbutrin for depression, and you notice worsening panic attacks, STOP taking Wellbutrin and contact a doctor. If your doctor instead puts you on Zoloft for anxiety and panic attacks, and your heart has increasing problems or your insomnia is worse (resulting in more Ambien, then resulting in higher does of Wellbutrin) STOP taking Zoloft and go to a doctor. zOMG […]
The doctors have finally figured out why I have severe migraines, a screwed up heart, chronic sinus problems, nose bleeds, deafness, vertigo, and more.
I have brain/head tumors.
The chronic nose bleeds and sinus problems were caused by it spreading to my nasal cavity a year ago, but the doctors kept brushing me off. Eventually I learned to live with the pain, which continues to this day.
Within the last 6 months my heart is giving up due to the screwed up signals going to it, and I’ve lost almost all of my remaining hearing. I went to get new hearing aids several weeks ago, only to find […]
I have had very poor health since the day I was born. Genetic defects result in a very weak immune system, severe asthma and only partially functioning lungs, severe allergies that prevent me from going outside, heart problems which make me feel weak and will likely cut my life short, a bad liver that’s complicating the heart issues, a bad thyroid that adds to the exhaustion, a bad uterus and ovaries that are trying to bleed me to death, and the doctors want to remove, and a screwed up digestive system that limits what I can eat. I also have a degenerative nerve disorder that’s […]