I just wanna take a poll and see how old all of you guys are on here . I feel like from what I read a lot of you seem to be older than I . So how old are all of you ?
Not necessarily suicide (though it can be if you want), but just death in general. Tell me: Age, exact cause of death, and misc information (optional). For me, I think I’d like to die at around age 31 (because I get to experience my billionth second), suicide, after I become a professor.
Life right now is unimaginably amazing. Problem is with life is that just when everything is going great it will find a way to fuck you up. How to keep positive that it won’t? All the times that I have known life has messed me right up as soon as I thought it was going fine. All I can remember was that innocent little girl who thought that life is amazing then one horrible day when she was 12 years old found out how cruel the world was. Age 12 ran away from a rape and worst of all on holiday. These thoughts haunt me […]
From such a young age I have experienced so much pain. Age of 8 the most dear person in the world passed away, my granddad, the only person in the world who loved me more than my parents. Age 10 turned to smoking as a pain reliever and have been addicted ever since. Age 11 got moved half way around the world to a place I had no knowledge of, came back to UK a year later for holiday only to find out my dad has another wife and a child with her who was 4 years of age at the time, having committed bigamy. […]
I’m 14 and I’ve already had 4 suicide attempts. Is that bad?
I hate when people say that, too much pseudo-science and New Age ideologies are floating around and causing people to think that their suffering is a product of manifestation that somehow, their “soul” has made a contract with before coming to earth. If you believe in that new age shit, or even Christianity, all of it is filled with lies & hypocrisy. “You create your won reality” my ass, bio centrism doesn’t prove shit.
This has allways been the problem,i was born with it but never really showed tll later,that’s when the world came crashing down ,when even in the playground parents took kids i was playing with away,times i feel 21 going on 50,no because of inside but the outside an i would feel like walking off the bridge,an just sleep forever the pain away.why do people judge on looks an not what is inside? school was hard fighting every day,so at 13 i joined cadets ,i got a break finally ! an went to camp,thats where i met the girl of my dreams for the first time […]
From what I’ve seen so far, it seems like most people here are 18+, which is sort of surprising.
How old is everyone here?