How does it feel? Your brother sees the cuts on your wrist. The scars on your thighs. He tells your sisters and parents. Now everyone knows. Months later… Your brother tells you to stop being so mad ” This is getting old. Nobody gives a shit. Deal with it. Emo” Then your sisters… ” Stop being so mean to people. They did nothing to you.” NOTHING? HUH. Thats why i have bruises from Dad. Thats why mom use to yell at me for trying to make new friends. HOW DOES IT FEEL? They are the reason i’m this way… Then there is people at school. […]
Ass Fucking
this world is fucked up,im so sick of people,why do these heartless bitches have to exist,you wake up in the best mood ever,then you run into some random ***** that has to make a comment or get rude with you,or a dirty ass fucking look,people are such assholes.what is the point of life?its hard as hell and theres an obstical everywere you turn,its so much eiser to be depressed than happy,cause you take one look at this world and it makes you want to vomit.atleast with me,speaking for myself,