Why? Why is it that I feel useless? Why is it that people always find it so incredibly easy to leave me behind? I really don’t understand why I could possibly be so fucking useless and so hopeless that opening my eyes of a morning is the first and worst mistake I make of the day.
People always say “It’s a phase; you’ll grow out of it” or “You’re not really that sad, are you?” or, my personal favourite “I understand, you will be fine”
I wont be fine. I wont grow out of it. I am really that sad. It is such a challenge […]
Blatant manhunt seeks party
Bonding cement no longer holds
Parting lips too young to grow old
Addicted romance love tested
Healing from substance abuse
Wickedly resenting
Never faces itself
Torturer taints animal waits
Righteous real realtime intrusion
Fears filtered for reasons unknown
its wierd how even though you may not always remember something, your mind never forgets what happened for the rest of your life,i know thats why i wake up at the same time every morning, wen i even can sleep,people tell you to move on and forget about what happened,ok, just let me slam my head against the cement and get amnesia,if its that bad that i can forget time to time but my mind alawys remembers, and noone ever tried to help me through the trama,then those people can eat shit and die,i was woken up around the same time in the morning every […]
my mom wont stop now i cant walk she broke my left leg it hurts and she wont take me to a doctor or hospital. also i haven’t slept in a week because im 2 scared because mom beats me wen im asleep.at least she aunt my real mom.my real mom and dad died when i was 1 i was in a orphanage till i was 6 then toni adopted me. i wish she didnt. and thanks to all who posted commets exepcialy you leahwallis thanks.also the orphanage was abusof it even killed my sister hope wen she was 9 i was separed from my […]
My post probably won’t mean a whole lot because I do not know how to put my experiences into words. It’s simply not worth trying to end your life. There is so much to look forward to, even if you’re pretty bad off. Life is too beautiful and it has many things to offer. Don’t do what everyone else wants you to. Especially don’t do what society wants you to. Live your life for YOU and nothing else. I’m happy now because I have figured that out. I have tried so many times to end my life from OD’ing to slitting my wrists. None of […]