Do you ever feel like you have done it all?  You wake up to face the day, feed the dog, dress yourself, brush your teeth, eat some food and go to work.  At work your totally disrespected by your peers and Friday you pick up your check.  At the end of the day you come home and let the dog out to use the bathroom.  Jump in the shower and make yourself believe you are washing away the hate, lies, disgust of the day gone by.  You get into bed, mentally numb in many ways and fall asleep after an hour of thinking about how much you […]
When I was born I had the perfect family. Typical happily married young aspiring husband (my dad) and loving devoted child rearing wife (mom). Â Up until around age 3 everything was alright. Â Then even as a young kid, I noticed that my Dad yelled at my mom a lot. I didn’t understand why my mom would cry every day when my dad left for work. She started drinking a lot. She never neglected or mistreated me in any way, but she just became even more withdrawn. By The time i was 5, My family had already moved 3 times. My mother had endured giving birth […]
We all inherit (to some degree) thoughts from others, be they from childhood, teenage years, or from things we have read or seen be it on the web, books or in real-life. Some peoples thoughts are good, some well intentioned, some so so, and some not so good at all (for themselves or others).
Just remember we make choices everyday with which thoughts ‘we let’ into our mind; be they our own or others (eg inherited thoughts). Make a conscious choice to let & keep good things in our mind, and trash or critique not so good thoughts, be they ours or others.
In summary, Don’t let […]