i’m so sick and tired of existing. sometimes i don’t feel fear, i am terrified of the pain that will come with killing myself because there is no easy way out, but sometimes i feel no fear, i feel desperation and unbearable pain. i just want it to be over and i NEED the courage to just fucking do it. i’m miserable and tired. the worst part to all of this is that there is no reason behind any of the pain that i feel or for that matter the pain anybody feels. theres no reason. no meaning. nothing. as they say, shit just happens. […]
Fucking World
I’m so sick of just waking up to what the world has become now. I’m just a ball of hatred building up it’s sickening that society is so absolutely fucking pathetic. I could die right now and no one would even care. I look at the positive, but their are not many things pleasant to look at. I don’t have friends and am not close to anyone, people are all the same. People honestly disgust me on how they act there is no one decent on this fucking world its just self preservation.
Dear Chris,
Your a creepy mother fucker. I hope you fucking know I hate your guts. Just because i’m not like all other fucking girls does NOT mean i’m a lesbian. Go fuck yourself man. Grow a pair of balls and live the real fucking world. Your the waste of space, your the piece of shit. Not your amazing, funny, smart, fucking beautiful girlfriend, who could by the way do 150% better then your sorry ass. Go away. Im glad I stood up to you today. Im sick and tired of myself and everyone having to deal with you. You are sick in the head […]
I just read a definition for suicide calling it a cry for help. It really annoyed me, because in my opinion it’s the exact opposite. Suicide happens when we feel there is no help to be given whatsoever, suicide is when we can’t help ourselves and can’t be helped by anyone else. Suicide is deciding that we’ve had enough of this fucking world and don’t want any help staying in it. The only way suicide could possibly be a cry for help would be if it was a purposely messy and obvious attempt, or if the person told a shitload of people their plans, or […]
I think I want the world to end.
I want the whole Mayan calender 12/21/12 thing to be true.
If the world does end then, that’s a week before my 17th.
I can’t ever imagine myself being older that I am now, is that a sign?
I feel so selfish for wanting the world to end.
But that is what I want.
I want to wake up one day but not wake up the next.
But I can’t do it for myself.
Because that would destroy my family.
Also, I’m far too stubborn to give up on life.
It makes me laugh that my stubbornness is basically what’s keeping me alive.
What does that say about […]
hi every one last nigth I seriously concidered to suicide intil I started chaking and my heart beging to beat so fast and I was horified by tbe idea and still is,well my name is mohamed and I am from morroco,I used to be a muslim but I am not anymore because my fucking fother intreduced the idea to me when I was 18 and I don’t know to thank him or blame the mother fucker for that because he is living happy and carless of what is going on in the this fucking world(politics,wars,greed of the human) now I am 25 I belive that […]
i wish everyone will die. i wish my family will just drop dead. i hate this fucking world they put me in. they have no right to give birth to me. they have no right to make me suffer. im not ever going to be normal like everyone else. im just me, me myself. nothing will ever change. i dont want to change either. i try to be nice but i get hurt. if i have fire, i will burn my house down and everyone will just die. isnt that nice? if they have the right to give birth to me, don’t i have the […]