So ive never been a blogger or anythig but I would like to share my story so people can relate. When I was younger I was bullied at home and at school. My dad was always very mean to us whicj is sadly common. I was a very sick child and they thought I would die at an early age. I was very skinny where you coul see all my ribs and my eyes sunk in. People often made fun of me at school for being so sick. I was bullied all through elementry school for being ugly,sick, and dumb. Life was very hard for […]
so im back at school for the ferst time in 4 days after losing some of my mind in i class and trying to kill my bully which resulted in me losing some blood a lot of ters and whats left of my mind so yer my mental scars from bullying held so going back to school must be esey right… wrong in the reel world non of that happens especially not in good old blighty (the UK to all the yanks out there) i came back got the shit beat out of me saying the same liy to anyone who ask it was a accident go […]
And finally number four, self harm.
I hate those words, self harm. It’s strange that to some people it simply means a problem that someone has, to others it’s a consuming addiction. I don’t even know how to talk about it, I’ve never really had to. Not out loud. People are too afraid to ask me about it face to face, or if they do they never come straight out with it, like if your parents try to have a sex talk with you, without actually mentioning the word sex. Thats what all of my friends are like. But the stupid thing is people expect me […]