Nobody in my town or my age seem to understand the idea that their actions effect other people as well. It has been a year and a half since I attempted suicide, yet nothing has gotten better. My final year in high school was complete hell. I was tormented by a group of girls who used to be my best friends. Day after day they told me how no one likes me or wants me around. They repeatedly shouted names down the hallway at me or spread rumors about me being pregnant. This summer they have peanut-buttered/egged/balognied my car twice. Then, try countless times to […]
The only people I prefer not to be around are those who are only around you for what you can do for them.
If it is not some women for how much you can spend or how much they can use you to be their emotional sponge, or family who at every turn reminds you of how less in their eyes you are because you are different but still is always wanting something from you, or male associates who either want to borrow something, get a hookup, or use you as an alibi or to bail them out of trouble.
Not that one minds helping people […]