I apologize too much.
I’m sure the same thing can be said a lot of people, but I know personally that when I screw up, I apologize over and over because I honestly don’t know how else to be forgiven. I get mad at myself if I can’t seem to get a person to reconcile with me even if I’ve tried reconciling with them already. I’m not the most eloquent person you’ll ever meet. And for any of you who know me, you know I’m far from it. But I don’t need to be eloquent for you to understand a feeling, a concept. Those are […]
Hundreds Of Thousands
This is my second post. today hadn’t been that good. I’ve been floating in and out of sadness and depression. I’ve begun considering going to see a psychiatrist for my problems; hopefully they’ll be able to answer some of my questions because… I don’t understand this…
Each night I go to sleep, hoping I won’t wake up. During the night I wake and watch the shadows drift around me and beg God to never let it end, to just let those shadows stay forever and take me away into the darkness. Then when the sun rises I’m still breathing and I curse my own being. Getting […]
Just minutes before the world went black, a massive solar flare erupted.
Scientists only had seconds to realize what it was. But it was to late to even warn anyone.
There was a universal black out.
The whole world went dark.
Before the black out people were oblivious to the world around them. They let technology rule there lives, and in seconds,
It disappeared.
Chaos ensued like never before, people were terrified. No one knew how to live without technology, fearing they worst.
They rioted.
Governments fell, stores were robbed blind, people murdered for no reason at all.
Gangs rose out of the ashes,
mafias seized power.
And when things seemed like they couldn’t get worse.
It […]
I know none of you want to hear this and I presume most of you will not listen to me but please try. Im begging you, do not give up. Death is not an answer. Suicide is the easy way out and shows no stength. You need to hold on. There is people who care about you and if not, I care.. Life is precious and there are hundreds of thousands of people who die every single day who didnt want to, who chose life but got it ripped from their grasp without a choice. The most selfish thing you could do is to kill […]