hey guys I’m looking into the ******** option, scientists and research is pointing the USA government into using ******** gas as a more humain way as opposed to lethal injection. Any thoughts guys. I’m biased in North London so if anyone want to meet up add us on Facebook chris day
Where can I get online–Ebay? Less than $100? I can’t purchase locally so need online. What all do I need for the ******** tank method? Thanks
Method : ******** gas using exit bag.
Believe it or not I have implants, the schizophrenic kind…voices but also complete control of my motor functions. Also hi-tech nanobots both in my brain acting as neurotransmitters to control mood (permant suicidal feelings), and in my body to electrocute me. if these don’t make you kill yourself, what will?
Got the ******** tank and even drilled hooks into wall to restrain me, given I’m a robot (fuck!), even had neck restraint planned. Tried to inhale for 25 second out of inflated eit bag, and didn’t even feel light headed. It’s SUPPOSSED to knock me out after just five seconds! […]
I know it’s a naive question, but I want to leave this planet soon and was thinking about either making my own exit bag or look to buy one online if they even sell them online. What are the steps to making your own exit bag with ********? And how can I get the ********? Should it be high purity ******** or just pure ********? I tried looking up these questions myself online but all I kept running across were a bunch of ignorant anti-assisted suicide websites. Thank you for reading and hope to hear from someone soon. 🙂
I’ve been suicidal for many years and, to an extent, most of my life. Not a manic obvious case of suicide but a quite, calm and patient case. It was supposed to all happen tomorrow, Friday, July 26th 2013 but won’t.
I realized recently that my plan all this time was not the right way to go about things. The plan was to take my friend’s handgun and walk from his place to the nearby hospital. There I would warn the staff about the events that were going to take place, to prepare surgery for my organ donation, and to clear out the area so that […]
I resolved today to kill myself by August 22nd. First I fired my therapist. I had been seeing her for four years, but don’t feel any better. Next I found the family shotgun and started researching how to load it and where I can go to practice. Next I researched ******** bag deaths and put together a list of what I need to do learn how to do that. I wrote a list of practical things that will need to be done after my death (where my birth certificate it, where my bank account is, etc.).
I have been […]
I was just reading through an online addition of the peaceful pill handbook (probably an outdated version, but oh well). If anyone has read some of my other posts, I have talked about how much I would like to use an exit bag. I don’t have any supplies gathered yet, but that’s because I’m trying to learn as much as I can about this method before I go out and do it. From what I can understand, gas is the most common “knocker outer” that is used with exit bags. I have considered buying a tank of helium or ********, maybe even both for good […]
If your interested in the “final Exit” ******** set-up, here is my version.
So, I just cannot carry on a minute longer, and yet I’m forced to. I have an incurable disease and am so incredibly depressed with all this suffering. Having failed to jump off a high bridge, drown myself, suffocate with a bag and an overdose and bag, I am now going for the Helium bag method. I really need this to work. I’ve bought the cylinder, made the exit bag and now I just need the hose and the regulator. I’ve been trying to get a response from Exit but my emails and phone messages have gone unanswered. Has anyone […]
I’ve been married for almost three years. Together for almost four. And I am very much afraid that soon, he will be telling me it’s over. All the promises we made…broken. How he slowly and patiently helped me to believe that he was different, that I could trust him, that what was between us was truly different, an “Always” love that I could rely on to be there, forever…a lie. If I could KNOW, with such certainty, that we were meant to be and would always be together…and be wrong…how could I ever trust anyone or anything again? Not anyone’s promises, not my own perceptions, […]
Well, I wasted another day, and when anticipating more of the same tomorrow, I decided tonight was good enough.
I am using ********, and I read where someone used an air line respirator. That sounded best to me, for the questions I had about my exhaling CO2 would not be relative with a sealed respirator.
I had previously attached all of the tank, hose, respirator, and was confident that the fitting were all air tight. On my 22 Cu Ft tank, the regulator has its typical two dials, and a shut-off valve near the connection of the hose for the head gear.
Put on the sealed […]
I used to have thoughts of hiding under a car tire, and waiting for a family member to back up. I just couldn’t go through with it. Through the past 11 years of my life I’ve been completely miserable. There has been a series of unfortunate events that lead me to where I am today: living in a shitty apartment alone, no friends, hardly talk to family, education going down the toilet, and terrible insomnia. I’ve been doing some research on suicide methods, and I want to go via ********. But, it seems like there are many failed attempts. Anyone have any advice?
This is my first ever post and will keep it brief. Basically i lost my job then my partner of 6 years left me and now the finances are stretched and i am more than likely going to loose my house and car. Its hard when your suddenly all alone like most of the people here are. I hope every day that something good will happen but it doesnt. I learnt a long time ago to only look after yourself as there are no guarantees when it comes to other people. The only thing that has made things a bit easier are my pet cats. […]
I’m 21, (ya I know I’m young) .. My whole life has been nothing but suffering. I’ve been bullied since I could remember. I’ve had my ups and down’s but have been depressed for many years. It’s at its worst right now. I don’t have a licence, I don’t have a job, I don’t have highschool, I will never see college. I don’t even know what I want to do for my future. I don’t even see me having a future. My boyfriend left me because he “doesn’t love me” anymore. He can’t understand what I’m going through. We still talk. He’s going to be dating someone […]
I emailed a few people who posted on my ******** post a while back, and when I looked them up, have never returned to SP.
One guy emailed back, asking, “Who is this?”
But I had to smile at this email, which I just got a response to.
I doubt he has any idea who I am.
Subject: (no subject)
Hello, are you still here?
Hey I am still here
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 5, 2012, at 4:12 PM
I’ve never done this before but I need someone who understands me to talk to. Let me start by describing myself a little bit. So I’m a 25yo woman (kid at heart). I’m told by most I look like I should be a model (I don’t see it). I have an awsome personality very down to earth open minded and supportive to others and have a lot of knowledge about life do to my own exploring. I have no kids but the best dog in the world that I would take a bullet for and a man of 6 years. But ever since I can […]
The look of a trapped animal inside of my pool cage (He accidentally flew in one night – and left without incident at first light – me? I won’t be so fortunate
The world insists - evidently – that it must interject itself where it’s not needed or wanted. Maybe i could accept the intervention of he wold if i was doing something that caused harm or damage to others … of course i’m sure we all cause harm or damage inadvertently or indirectly somewhere along the […]
Hey! This letter is for Mary Ann(Marika)in Finland.
I hope your reading this.
So much has change since i met you here around a year ago.
I understand your reasons and motives very well, but i feel you asked the wrong person for advice. Then again so did Alex from Scotland.
But ultimately Marika you were right. We all at the end of the day do want to be “free” to decide our of destiny. I say “free” in caps, because in reality we do not have any REAL freedom. All is under the controll of god.
And Marika as much as i hate to say this, you may […]
I want to leave this world and go the way my son took. He took ******** and it sounds most painless. I hope I will see him again soon -I miss him and need to know why.
After giving up on Helium because I cant get a replacement flow gauge that I need for my bag setup and my local supplier of ******** was out of the cylinder size that I needed, (I have a regulator and flow gauge for N2 but my tank is almost empty) I have had to put my plans on hold for a few more days until I can get an exchange cylinder of N2.
After doing some serious research on inhaled inert gasses, I can see why so many attempts fail. It is not nearly as simple as books and internet pages make it sound. It is […]