I have friends . Family ect . I had a rough child hood but it made me the strong person I am today . I can handle abuse , problems, conflict . Or at least on the surface . I smoke about an eigth a day of weed to mello out and drink when I can’t smoke . I use to use other drugs till I realized I was only letting “them” win by making myself look like the dirtbag they made me sound like . So I stick to my pot and alcohol although I have a struggle everyday. I feel like I dot […]
i was fed up the other day of fighting just to survive everyday, you see, i’ve been living on the streets for a couple of months and life if just getting worse and worse by the day… i dont have any money for food or drink as the goverment have fucked my benfit claim up so i have had to beg everyday, mostly unsuccesfully, for food and/or drink.. i have lost everything in life and was at the point of giving up… i gathered a few sharp objects (broken cup, glass, needle and empty can) and started hacking at my arm, making a ‘T-shaped’ gash which […]
It’s been a while since I’ve been on here; I don’t know if any of the people I used to look for are still here. I have a story to tell you guys, cause it needs to be told and I can’t afford to be held accountable for it telling someone I know.
Last time I was frequenting Sp, I was living in a halfway house and coming up on 6months sober. I met a woman named C on this site who was living in the UK and planning a trip to the US, “going west†as it were to Las Vegas to go […]