lets disect the question because it doesnt actually.make sense since it implys “nothing’ CAN create itself,.while.’something’ cannot. it fails to explain what exactly defines “something” and “nothing” . with this logic, asking why theres.” nothing instead of something” is just as invalid because it fails to explain why nothing is any.more possible than something. saying somethingcould create it.self.from.” nothing is impossible. there would.have to be something that was use to create that something. on the flipside saying nothing could be created from something is impossible. creating nothing from.something would actually just be the absence of something. if something was there to begin with, […]
Saying Nothing
being hurt is possibly the worse feeling someone can ever get it feels like your being punished for the mastikes you made in life not knowing how much it could acturally hurt someone by saying the wrong thing or saying nothing at all being treated like your not there that noone can see you so noone can hurt you but that hurts more being treated like a pieced of trash that you can just throw away isnt how your suppost to make people feel everyone desreves to live life the way they want too and not give a care in the world but as the […]
I do not fit to this world. This is my conclusion after over 25 years. Everyone sees me laughing, doing stupid things to be the funny guy in the band, always a joke to say. But nothing of this is real, i don’t care of people, of things, of life.
All my life I thought making other people laugh will make me happy but it’s not even close. I am popular, yes, got friends calling me every days to discuss of their super lifes, and I keep saying “nothing new on my side, it’s all cool, the bloody routine”. I am tired of this, tired […]
I think ive cracked something, infact I know I have . As most people know men are extremely more likely to commit suicide than women. I read that 80% of suicides are men and 74% of the time it is white males.
I wonder how much this ratio has to do with the relationship between men and women sexually and love wise. black men are generally wanted more.
women are extremely personal in my experience and really quite unforgiving on the large.
They dont really give mankind much (no offence) obviously this is a generalisation, but women are usually difficult to please and for men suffering and in bad places they really do have […]
Ive actually forgotten how to be happy, how to actually smile and mean it instead of pretending i mean it, I’m so used to pretending im happy that i dont actually no how to anymore 🙁
I try and do the things that i love doing, talking to people who i love talking to but nothing seems to work, i just dont no how to be happy anymore, if im ever happy i literally lasts for about 5mins and then its like im back to reality again! Today i went to see my nan and there was loads of trouble down there and today i realized […]