I have been there, too. many times. my best friend shot himself in July of ‘08. I’ve even had a loaded gun to my head in the past few months. if you need to talk to someone, contact me:
jacob.major@stu.oldham.kyschools.us (easiest)
I can be with you in this horrible time, and will not judge you, or argue with you, or send you to a hospital, or try to talk you out of how badly you feel.
If you need someone, I am here!
1 comment
look, guns aren’t the answer. death isn’t the answer. Its hard to believe, i know. trust me, alot of my friends are suicidal, and ive stopped them. Im very sorry for your loss, but suicide isnt the answer. You probably feel like your in hell. well, living IS hell. but when we die the right way, we are strong. we hav over-come what many haven’t. just try to hear me out.
with deep sympathy,
someone willing to help