I’ve had my girlfriend write down some of the things i say in my sleep and some other things i DO!! This is right out of the book >Well obviously it starts in ohio i cant remember it all ,but heres a few thing’s”at times he has dreams that i am cheating or being very flirtacous.so he’ll call me a whore,slut,stupid whore,Then he has gotten so angry in his sleep over me that he will elbow me in the ribs.He has also set stright up in bed and pointed towards the closet and in German said “das sweatter ich nicht gut”which means the sweater is not good<then rolled over and went back to bed.Bend,OR june 16,2009 Rick woke up hungry and started eating a cupcake and the rest of the salt and vinegar chips and went back to bed same night later he woke up eating twizzlers and hershey bars and i woke up to wiping choclate off his head and getting a lemon twizzler off his back. Bend,OR june 17,2009 early this morning Rick rolled around and then he said something about clay,i’m pretty sure he was having a fight with clay and nothing was being done about it.Also he kept looking at me and at one point said “of course ” and went back to sleep. “>rick When i hear some of the things i do in my sleep and dont believe it here is something i just found that she had wrote >Bend,OR june 20,2009 around a little after 7am Rick said “fucking *****! close the fucking door! and give me the fucking phone!” then he opened his eyes looked at the door and then at me and said “oh, I thought i was standing at the door yelling at clay and fell back asleep and i said ” oh lovely” Tell me what you think of my dreams email me at meinreichistwunderbar@gmail.com
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