sometimes we need distractions- they can save us from an amount of time that we spend thinking about everything and end up more depressed.
so i wanted to give some ideas. only for good intentions(: and i hope no one gets offended by some of them or anything like that.
*turning to God(:
*writing happy poetry
*watch a movie
*read a book
*search interesting stuff in the internet like… new creatures found, news about the world, planets, jokes, games, videos of tours around the world, nature, pix of the sky, space, stars, moon, planet, nature, flowers.
*then try to draw them?
*hug the people you love and tell them how much they mean to you
*sleep? since its late… 😉
*play an instrument
*spend time with your pet(s)
*talk with someone positive
*play video games
*be artistic
*read comic book
*invent a new twitch? lol jk
*take a bath? (:
*umm experiment with make up or your hair or clothing and take pictures bc u r beautiful
*smile bc u r still alive(:
*anything you enjoy… or always thought abt but never tried it and would like to try it (positive)
i hope this helps(: or at least got you out of your thoughts, even if you hate my post thingy. (:
Instead of talking with someone positive , talking with someone who understands , that in itself is a positive experience for me (:
Excellent suggestions 😀
thanks… i just wanted to bring a little brightness to this website. because i know that some of us are not on it 24/7, so i decided to give some ideas.
You got me to smile on one, thank you
thinking for only makes me feel worse, I guess I believe in him out of fear but that doesn’t stop me from hating him… he punishes the living in one way or another and decides our fate also in death even those who did their best but didn’t meet his standards. The devil? that’s just god when turning himself on when punishing the dead.
remember I’m not trying to piss you off.
That’s MY opinion and don’t you dare try to tell me how good he is
thinkin for one* only makes thing worse for me…
hmm, that really didn’t make sense.
in other words GOD punishes the living wether thier bad or good and all the DEVIL does is punish the evil… when there dead
Hey i just wanted to say sorry bout those comments, I was angry for no apparent reason. i do feel that way bout religion and god though but not with so much rage… sorry