I understand what people were talking about when they said being forgotten hurts the most. I didn’t feel that way at first but I know that hurt I just didn’t want to believe that I had been forgotten. I have been trying so hard not to cut but this time I failed. They weren’t deep just surface skin. But I have accepted that my mother and father have no room in their lives for me anymore. I’m just a waste of space and they most likely wish that I was never born. I feel like the only time my father ever knows I’m around is when he wants something. I not even good at that and now that”s gone because I pissed him off again. Now I will just fade into the background and then just disapper forever. It’s just a matter of time till I’m nothing.
You can’t depend on other people to make you feel important. I know that feeling, but you’re the only one that can make yourself feel forgotten or worthless. You should feel good enough just because you’re you. I don’t know what’s up with your parents but it’s wrong of them to treat you like that, and they should’ve noticed how they were making you feel. I’m sure they love you, they’re probably just being selfish and haven’t noticed how you feel. Try talking to them calmly about it, maybe it will help. It’s worth a shot anyway. Hang in there, things will change with time.
You’re your own person. YOU’RE the only improtant person in YOUR life. You need to stand up for yourself. You ARE special, don’t let other people or even yourself let you think that. You are worth it, and if you’re so damn sure you’re not, then go out there and make yourself valuable! Take music lessons or painting lessons! Start writing! Sing, maybe you have an undiscovered talent. Make new friends, and instead of being the third wheel or something, make people laugh! You CAN change your life now. It’s never too late to take another path.
If you feel forgotten, make yourself noticable. It DOES hurt, trust me. But I tell myself that the people who forget me, aren’t worthy of my time, and I just move on.
You could be everything! Just change the way you think about things, and you can probably become one of the greatest people on Earth.
Btw, nothing is something. I’d encourage you to put more stock in what you think of yourself and not see your worth through your parents eyes. A lot of ppl/parents can’t see the treasure that are their children…they simply can’t see it. Not your fault. Your fading into nothing has nothing to do with what they think, it has to do with what you’re willing to fight for and believe in.
It’s up to you ultimately. Good luck! Everyone is worth lots.