I just need someone who cares. I’m not looking for love, a relationship or even a friendship. I just wish that someone, anyone at all, gave one fucking damn
I just need someone who cares. I’m not looking for love, a relationship or even a friendship. I just wish that someone, anyone at all, gave one fucking damn
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talk to me i care 🙂
look me up
ok so i commented my fb page but its also in a post called
lets be friends go that post and look at my fb page and if you want we can be friends
well Im sitting here with 1125mg of elavil in my hand and I cant think of one good reason not to take it
well i can think of one
don’t take it :/
The main one is it may just damage organs and not kill you. The 2nd is people will care if you die. I will. I know I don’t know you it still pains me that you would take your life.
@sigh – Woah, pills are of low lethality, they will result in vomitting and possible organ failure.
I mean do yur research first.
Tricyclics are one of the better ones.
i know how you feel, dude, people can be astonishingly self-centered and ignorant to other people’s pain…but for whatever reason, i give several damns about your life. like a whole shitton of damns actually.