Why do people even get depressed? I feel awful thinking about the many people who die per day from the cause of bullies. Or anything that will cause the fact of suicide.
Why do people even get depressed? I feel awful thinking about the many people who die per day from the cause of bullies. Or anything that will cause the fact of suicide.
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Fucked up childhood, socially awkward, bullied, chemical imbalance
It is different for different people.
Everyone inside them carries a ‘self image’ ~ like a tv if you will.
The ‘inner guidance tape’ is created of things we focus on (positive & negative) and things we ‘copy/inherit’ from others eg bullying, abuse etc. They are ‘inherited memories’.
Young people don’t usually know how to escape these ‘lesser thoughts’, hence they need help from someone that is more informed, encouraging and hopefully someone they respect.
If that ‘inner tape’ is replaying the same (negative) program over and over and over again, soon thats all they know.
They stay ‘living’ in their past …..until…..something/someone better comes along…
Like is a balancing act between know-how, attitude & action ~ from their comes our life.
Maybe this is what other wise people are trying to say?
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become” Buddha
ie if you just think negative you become that …. if you just think (& do) positive ….eventually life turns around ….
Make sense?
Mine was so much more simple -____-
But good post
When people see life as only liviing in pain, whether physical or mental, and the only escape from it is to leave this world then that is there answer. No one wants to live with pain but for some that is all they know
When your ability to cope is less than the stress or strain people look for an easy way out hence suiside unfortunatly it doesnt stop the pain it just leaves you dead