ATTENTION! that it! Its attention! Its attention that I want. So everyone says . But no! I dont do it for that! Or do I. Attetion is something i dont get offten. I never get attention. My cutting burning and beating myself up has NOTHING to do with attention. Or does it. I mean I dont think I do. No one knows that I do anything. Do they? People do know That I have tryed killing myself. But that isnt myfault. Is it? . I love my life sometimes. But when I go to the partial hospital , do I go for attention? I dont think I do. But Again, I have no control on my life sometimes. Or do I ? People hate me, is it because I hate myself and it fallows me.? I hate how I look , sometimes. I know I’m pretty, but pretty isnt everything. I am over weight. Everyone thinks im 125-140 but im really 160. I need to loss weight. I need to count on myself because no friends ever there. Life is so difficult , I live for others, not for myself. I would die for others but I wont even stand up for myself. I do things for others, but is it for attention? Is attention a big thing in my life. I dont know if I like attention but I do know I dont want anyone to see me down, or do I . I dont want people to see me help others, or do I. Do I do everything for attention?…Is my life based on attention. I dont think so. Or is it. Im confussed. I dont like attention. Do I. I want to know why I dont know this about myself.
I think every human wants attention. Or maybe ‘attention’ isn’t the right word… every human wants ‘validation’. Unless you have a direct connection with god or aliens or super beings, you need some interaction with other humans. In order for that to happen, they have to see you.
I don’t think your cutting, burning & suicide attempt are for attention. They are the result of you NOT getting attention. It’s like if you’re starving, you’ll pass out. You don’t pass out because you want food, you pass out because you never GOT food.
Hmm, I don’t know if this made any sense. It made sense in my head before I typed it out… :/
It kinda did. Cn you email me?
What the hell is wrong with wanting attention?! Misery loves company ?! Duh.. so does joy for cryin out loud.
I agree with Imtemporary.