If you think about it.. people always care when you die, they cry and get sad.. but do they really care about you?
NO.. Personally, i don’t feel loved. If i died… nobody would care. People say that all the time i know, but honestly. If only you could live in my shoes, oh my.. I don’t even know. I’m just so lonely, i have people in my life yes, but they don’t care. I DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO LOVE, WHAT IS LOVE? I’ve never known it. It’s funny because if you saw me, you wouldn’t think that. I’m so bubbly and outgoing but so lonely inside. I haven’t even told anyone, i’m so secretive. I HATE letting people know how i feel. I can’t even have relationships because i can’t be honest and i can’t stand the thought of it. It’s hard to explain.. Â I just feel so empty.. I don’t want to commit suicide but i don’t want to be here. I just don’t feel loved. I’m incapable of being loved. That is all human beings need, are to be loved. I hate how i have to hear about other people and their stupid problems. Sure, i have stress i have problems, but i don’t like sharing them. I have talent too by the way. I sing, someday i’ll be famous, that’s just a cover up to get out of my house and get a future for what though? WHAT is the point in living when you so lonely and unloved. I just don’t understand. Overall i just feel empty. EMPTY and UNLOVED. Honestly, people don’t care about you. They just don’t.
Not trying to be picky but, if you don’t know what love is, how can you know whether you are loved or not, or whether you know how to love?
You need to understand what a word means before you can use it or apply it to a situation. For example, I’ve just looked up the word “love” on dictionary.com. I won’t list all the definitions but they include:
1) a profoundly tender, passionate affection, for another person
2) a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection
3) to have a strong liking for
Surely some or all of the above must apply to some of your relationships with other people? I’m sure there are, or have been, people in your life who would say that how they feel about you fits some of the above criteria.
(nice seeinq you aqain ob1)
Hey me and should qet to talkinq.I’m writinq riqht now but I can’t sinq.
The person that needs to care most is you! Focus on how you want to feel instead of replaying over and over how bad it is cause you’ll just encourage that feeling and experience within yourself. Change your focus..bit by bit, you can feel better. It’s entirely up to you whether or not you believe that.