Well i found this site like 6 months ago and found it really helpful cause i could see people going through the same thing as me. Am a 13 year old girl….who has a family who loves her a lot but am really depressed. I have been depressed for a year now and i cut myself. i cut myself because it makes me feel alive again. I have gone through the death of my grandpa moved 3 times in 2 years and have found out that my two siblings are adopted. And the biological mother of my sister is going to court against my parents. for no fucking reason. i have well thought out the way i want die. and just feeling so alone. in school, well people consider me the popular girl and everyday i feel like i lie more to myself. i have been missing school a lot. to just stay home and sleep….which i feel like is the only way i feel a little better. i cry myslef to sleep every night and dont know what to do. i feel like there is no hope left out there for me. 🙁 i dont know of am strong enough to fight this. some one please comment…..i really need help.
the reason why you are alone cause your always at home. Dont waste a good education that some people dont have. Be greatful for that. Also if you feel like that visit a therapist. They are professinals. Your 13. you havent face life like others have. You need to stay strong and try to get better. Keep yourself busy. A club? A sport? hell you could write a book or story. Please you need to get help. Tell your parents how you feel. The depression and wanting to die. Maybe they can help you find someone that you could listen too c:.
At 13, I imagine there’s a deeper issue going on that you’re not allowing yourself to be conscious of. You’re feeling depressed for a reason and you may want to entertain ideas as to why. It’s okay to pose questions, but it is more pro active for you to direct your mind to finding the answer by saying to yourself…I want to find a solution or the reason as to why I feel this way. This is your body indicating to you, some kind of change is necessary and based on the feedback you feel inside, you make a decision that will hopefully improve how you feel. Again, you’re only 13. You say you’re in a loving family…unconditionally loving family? We like to comfort ourselves telling ourselves okay not allowing ourselves to be honest with what’s really going on…why? Cause it hurts to face things sometimes, but that doesn’t mean it will tear you apart…it’ll eventually strengthen you and help you move through your current state and realize you have the power and choice that lies within you to make choices for yourself that will ultimately empower YOU. As you so deserve to happy, healthy, and whole. Good luck.
Hey Lifeisbeingalone,
My name is Amakua…and I have suffered with severe depression most of my life…I am 50 now…I know…old…but not in the nursing home quite yet…lol
I have a daughter who is 15 and also in a severe depression. This is what I know…I have been a teen, I have raised many…I say survived many…cuz it’s the hardest part of the whole shebang we call life….just know if you can get through this….you can handle anything.
I hope that your mother is there for you…but I also understand how hard it is to talk to anyone…toooo much emotion….and you worry they will not love you the same, or that you will hurt them…or a million other reasons. My daughter is lucky…I approached her….but then because of my history…I can smell a depression a mile away…and I was warned that hers would be severe by a child psychologist…she has Aspergers as well.
But depression is not all down and downer….accept that there are things you don’t understand…are trying to understand…and know you will get through it….I know you really don’t want to die….you just don’t know how you’re supposed to keep on living…I get it….but stay…talk…there are lots of really smart souls on this site….and many of them are your age or younger…
Suggestion: try this….insert name…mom, counsellor, friend…whomever…
“Hey ………., I really need to talk to someone….I’m having some pretty strong emotions lately and they are starting to scare me and make me feel alone and weird. I don’t want to die….but I’m having trouble seeing my way through what I’m dealing with now. I don’t want you to worry or feel bad….I just don’t want to go through this alone. Can I get a counsellor to talk to?….I would rather talk to you….but I understand you are dealing with alot yourself….so I haven’t wanted to ask you….but I think I need some help with this.
Yes hun…with this….not you….you are dealing with some big crap….would sidetrack an elephant…but there is nothing wrong with you….this is normal for the situation and transition that you are in. Remember….not all days are the same…even when you are depressed.
You are perfect….and amazingly strong
You maybe can’t feel it, but there is hope. 🙂
I’m older than you but I started feeling suicidal when I was your age. It doesn’t mean you’ll stay that way.
You really shouldn’t have to cope with everything on your own. Can you ask for help at school? Or see a doctor or therapist? You are strong, but doing things alone means you’re alone with depression. You don’t deserve to be alone through it. We are always around to talk to here, but it’d be great if you could seek some help in your life as well.
I know how dark and how awful it feels, but it doesn’t mean it won’t get lighter.
email me anytime!
i have been there