Hey, I’m a 17 year old dude looking for some advice from normal people. I feel hopeless. I am a misanthrope and hate pretty much everyone. I have no hope for the human’s survival. We kill everything we come across, destroy the world given to us, and even kill our own. I’ve been trying to look on the bright side and be an optimist, then I realize there are none. I do not feel close to my family and do not wish to speak to them. I have plenty of friends but I do not feel like speaking to them about this either. Everyday seems like another punch to the throat while I sit here watching the world either away before me. I can’t stand people or being around here much longer. No one understands and I feel I’ve overstayed my welcome here. Death seems like such a relief, so I’m trying to come up with reasons not too. Though the list is empty
Ignorence is bliss, when you become aware of the shitty ness of the world, you can either except it and try to be happy, or you cant and will wollow in hatred for everone for the rest of your life.
Its really that simply. Either you can or you cant.
I agree with unique. Self-loathing isn’t the best option. We all know the problems of this world, just go with the flow there’s no other option, it’s not that bad. Everyone has problems, and death isn’t a thing to solve all your issues. Two weeks ago I was thinking the same way you were but I got over it, it gets old. quickly.
It’s best you confront the misanthropy now so you can have a shot at enjoying your 20’s. Our race is shitty as a whole, but we’re beyond simple herd animals now. Because we have free will, we are all unique animals. We are not one race; our bodies are but our minds are all our own. Be whatever you want; you don’t have to be a modern human if you don’t want to. Be how you think a truly evolved, civilized human being would be. Or indulge the game of Society and try to get yourself some fancy prizes. You decide, you’re in control.
Great thing is that you’re 17 and the worlds about to start opening up to you. It’s a game man, play if you want; nothing says you have to.
hiii I’m a pretty normal person haha and I’ve been through what you are feeling/going through so if you want some advice I’m here to talk(:
Yup, the world is a crappy place. And now we have evolved to a point that governments and corporations decide everything and we live with the results. Man is bent on self destruction due to greed and self interest.
You can give it a shot and try to make a go at it and have a somewhat normal life regardless of the things you see around you….or you can strive to change it…..or you can just give up.
And if you give up, the church has had 100’s of years to convince us suicide is a bad thing. But it isn’t. If it’s not working out for anyone, they can check out. Just made sure you have truly explored all your options and you are clear on your choice.