my best friend justin had gone through a hard time. his parents got divorced then his mom remarried . his stepdad and justin never saw eye to eye justin told me he wasnt even invited to the wedding. im the only person he ever trusted…he also struglled with his gender… he had very poor grades and got in trouble every day . he has a kid like innocence .he had told me how depressed he was. but at 15 everyone thinks there depressed so i supported him and loved him.. he took prescription pills and one day at school had a tick tack bottle filled ready to take his own life…….i imeddiatly told our favorite teacher.. she took him strait to the office assuming he already took some.. i called my mom to come get me because i couldnt stop crying.. that week i was pulled out of school without tellng justin goodbye.80 days later i reunited with my healthy best friend 🙂 <3 ..i lost part of myself that day but atleast he lives on! if anyone wants to talk email me at
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1 comment
It is wonderful that your friend was saved due to your intervention and you guys are together again.