How can I say it more bluntly.
“I am researching suicide methods. I have found my exit and started buy supplies.”
“Oh…here’s more crack finish smoking and come lay down”
What do I have to do for someone to notce, to care?
Kill myself
How can I say it more bluntly.
“I am researching suicide methods. I have found my exit and started buy supplies.”
“Oh…here’s more crack finish smoking and come lay down”
What do I have to do for someone to notce, to care?
Kill myself
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But whats the point, if they notice. You wont be there to see.
Because I kno they won’t. Everyone thinks I am being ovfer dramatic why doesn’t anyone take me seriously
Why is it that you’re so desperate for attention?
Killing yourself will not bring you love or care – who’s gonna care for you once you’re dead? That’s pointless.
You don’t need people’s attention to be happy – go outside and make something of your life! Go volunteer, go help people; make your life’s purpose to help others who need it.
Its not attention as much as it is making memories and sharing life experiences with someone. Matriels and even accomplishments and wisdom mean nothing if you have no one to learn and enjoy them with. I love unconditionally and its one of the painful things to go thru when its not reciprocated. I refuse to compromise my character just because someone does me wrong i won’t sink to their level. But it hurts because I have so much in my brain and heart that I want to share and I feel like no one cares or gives it validity.
yeah… unfortunately passive aggressio is not a good way to get help. If you want someone to take notice, you have to ask for it. I’m sorry but that’s just the way people work. They don’t respond well to antagonism. Try telling your friend… I need help… or something along those lines.