It’s been quite a while since I’ve been on, and I am here to report after my hiatus for so long that I have been recovering nicely, going through huge turning points within this year and last. My depression has gotten better, so have my schizophrenic tendencies. I am here to tell you, that I love you, and things do get better! maybe not now but with time. You are not alone, there is hope for you no matter what. Believe me I have been in your position many a time, it is a dark place within your mind that you seem to not be able to escape. I am always here, I will be whatever you need me to be, this goes for anyone, please if there is something troubling you, or you seem to be having the lack of will to live, do NOT hesitate to contact me, I can show you there is more than this, things get better, you are beautiful human beings every single one of you. – Cell(786-234-8129) Text/Call WHENEVER. If I do not pick up calls please leave me a message. If you are not comfortable with phone use, you are also able to contact me via Email – <3 Stay beautiful, and never forget to smile even when times are dark.
sent email however i will delete this message in exactly 2 minutes
but i cant so…
Hi Stephyroxx… Nice post… and thank you.
<3 send emails, I will respond very fast 🙂
Thanks. Very kind words indeed. But as a general rule I have stopped giving out my number to random girls.
random girls? lol umm okay I understand too don’t worry
I’m not random lol
I didn’t mean you 🙂
Thanks for the inspring post. Being on this site has helped me. Sent you an email!
im glad to hear that! I didn’t recieve any 🙁 are you sure you wrote the email correctly??
I’m glad to hear you’re better.
But please don’t make promises. Just because you made it through, doesn’t mean everyone else will. Consider yourself lucky, don’t assume that everyone will be as lucky. I know this can be hard. Thanks.
the only promise i can make is that I will be there for you, and People do care, as for how you want to take this, is entirely up too you, but I wish you the best.
Sorry, that was a dick comment. I take it back. I’m just in a crappy mood. Apologies.
@Stephyroxx – Tried it again, hopefully you’ll get it this time. Might have been caught by the spam filter the first time?
things can get better (also speaking from experience) but with some people there’s a deep-rooted death wish: they’ve lost all interest in the human experience, they want out regardless of their prevalent mood, life conditions etc
I’m one of those people .. how would you help me ?
The only way I’ll be able to help you is just by listening, sometimes that’s what people need, someone willing to understand and listen to their fears and views on things. I am in no way a doctor of some sort but speaking from experience I might be able to provide some insight.
Anyway I need some sort of divine intervention not a morale boost. Nor do I need a logical approach. Some things cannot be fixed, that’s not why I’m here. I often wonder whether I am incredibly stupid or they are incredibly clever. The world and I do have one thing in common; we are equally insignificant.
It’s interesting how I can relate to what you wrote, and I actually do agree with you on some points, there are many things that are out of our control
Other than to agree, I’m not sure what to say… I can’t tell you how many times I wanted someone just to acknowledge… Listening was about all I needed. You don’t need to be a doctor to show empathy… and to be there for another.
Dude. What did they give you. I want some.