The girl love of my life dumped me after three years for another guy. I have struggled with depression before this but this really pushed me over the edge. I had done everything for this girl gave her the best two years of my highschool and she dumps me like trash. I don’t know what happiness is anymore. All day in school I think of ways I need to kill myself. She was the only thing that made me happy and now she’s sucking some guys cock. I tried to move on with other people but I find it impossible. I have sex but everything feels dead inside. I can’t find anything to make me smile. The only thing that has stopped me from slitting my throat my parents. They have done so much for me and are such good people, I don’t know how much longer that is going to stop me. I have to hold myself back from walking into on comin traffic. How could she just dump me to fuck another guy, we were supposed to get married.
I know it hurts. There’s going to be a lot of things that hurt over the years. But, there is also going to be a lot of good times ahead for you. It would be a shame to miss them.
THIS is far from a reason to off yourself. 5 years from now, even if it seems incomprehensible at this time, this girl will be a fading memory in your life. In 10, you probably won’t even think of her and might even have trouble recalling her name.
Move on – do better.
Dude i know how you feell… But im a girl. But i was in love with my best friend and he dumped me on the side of the road like trash. God im still not over it.. Lucky for me hes a senior. But i know he flirts with girls in my grade and they tell me how they have amazing sex!… doesnt he get that i toke his v card. I dont know if that even means anything to him. But i know im still in love with the guy who toke mine. Jk kinda i would help the guy if he needed me.. NOt love …. but i mean i know how you feel. Keep you head up.. People out there dont know how amazing we are till we slap them in the face and leave..
Yep whole lives ahead of you.
At least you people have some excitement in your lives. Look at me, the only interesting person has nothing eventful to look forward to.
Go forth kids and be merry.
how old are you?
i know it may be hard to believe, but i bet you that there’s someone out there who loves you more than anyone else ever could and you just don’t realize that yet. or maybe youve already pushed them away and they’re scared to come back to you.
don’t blame it on yourself, i know what its like to be crazy about someone and suddenly everything gets fucked up.
sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together.
I’m 19 it’s been over 5 months and the pain is the same as it was day one. She told me the reason was me and my actions when she had been talking to this other guy and planning to dump me for him. I walk around college completely dead inside, she was the only thing that made me happy and now I am just a zombie. I put on a front so my parents don’t know but I don’t know how much longer I can last.
Sounds like you had a lucky escape there if she’s talking to some other dude. That’s why I make sure every girl I’m with is hotter than the last.
I wish I could do that but this girl was the total package 10 out of 10 so smart athletic she killed me.
Yeah but it wasn’t meant to be. Imagine if you won the scoop6 and lost all of your winnings the next day. Would you still feel as bad.
Wow. im really sorry! If she knew i know she would feel somthing inside but she seems nasty and only wants one thing. if i knew her wow words cant even say what i would do and feel towards her. there is someone on this earth dreaming of your smile and niceness, you WILL find her
I had the same thing happen to me.
Time heals all wounds.