My name is rebecca taylor i am 16 and a sophmore in high school. I have put up with alot of things that most people dont know about me. so where should i begin? well i shall start where my whole life started falling apart. I was four years old at the time i was first raped! i remember this event to well i was asleep when a frind of the family came in my room and started touching me when i tried to scream he punched me in the head and knocked me unconcious. he continued to rape me untill i was seven. at age seven i began to have family problems. my mom and dad were fighting all the time and things began to get physical between them and pretty soon it started being directed towards me. this also continued till i was 10 at age 10 my mother gave birth to my sister trudi. that is when the use of drugs came into the picture for my mother and father. they were really bad cocain addicts and did it every day sometimes more than once! i have looked after my sis her whole life when i turned 13 i started using sleeping pills just to escape reality i have almost od like four times! but this time i will succede i love my sis and would do anything for her but i cant deal with it anymore my life is over
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Becca i know you love your sister, but if you’re affected by these problems i’m sure she is aswell. You’re the one that supports her and lets her go through each day…are you going to let her follow in you footsteps.
You are a remarkable person Taylor. You’re managing so well in the conditions you in. Teenagers already have enough on their shoulders at this age, but you have your own aswell. It shows how caring, kind and patient you are.
Taylor the only thing you can do is hang in there. Soon you’ll be free from school and to Uni/ College when you can move out. No one will have authority over you then. Why let the past effect your future?
Take Care
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