When I listen to music I find that it makes my mood like more if that makes any sence. If i’m happy and listening to music I love like some of Eminem songs I will get more happy but if im feeling down or depressed and I listen to sad songs I feel more down and sad and feel how the music is. Does this happen to you?
Please don’t tell me I have no life, but I play piano 7 hours a day at most. When I play, i am so concentrated on the music, all my troubled thoughts are aside making me feel “happier” ! It’s why I play so long, and it’s partially why I don’t get sick of it! So no, you’re not alone, because it happens to me. Strange thing is, whenever i just sit in front of the piano and start to play, (I’m like “unconscious” to my surroundings and my mind gets completely cleared) I tend to play romantic era (I’m not sure if you know the music eras) which are slow and mostly “sad” and “depressing” when I’m feeling sad or distraught. When I’m in a “better” mood (i’m never in a good mood now days), i tend to play light, energetic songs. I guess this can relate to your different types of “listening” to music- I just play the music instead.
Nope, you’re not alone!!
yeah sorta if im sad i put on a fast pace song and my mood quickly changes to happy…and vice versa.
This is an amazing thing you have discovered.
Playing the piano clears your mind and brings you into the present moment.
You are describing a Zen like meditative state.
Much healing can occur in these clear spaces.
Om shanti