I’m done with my life. I can’t stand the raping and bullying at my school anymore. I can’t stand how my “friends” keep on back stabbing me. I don’t want to keep on having to cry myself asleep because of a guy who i love but for him i’m only another sex toy. I can’t take it how my family just watches from a far how i slowly brake down. And most of all i can’t take the people anymore who say they want to help but then turn around and don’t come back. Whats the piont in living if you only feel pain?!
I’m always there for you to listen and support, cause I have an idea how your feeling.
Text me anytime <3
U need to fight back, dont let them get away with treating u bad, If it was me an over the top retaliation against one would get the message through. we are here nd we wont turn our back on u. The reason for living whe all u have is pain is to find happiness, do whatever makes u happy, when that stops making u happy do something else, live in the moment, no thoughts for the future nor memories of the past, just now…