Yea newyork is nice but the ghetto isnt brooklyn,bronx,queens we all face it we are exspected to reach that manhatten fame of lights and money when its hard to find a job. Nice clothes aint everything if you dont like the way you are in the outside. Point is no matter where you come from we all struggle but do we have the strength to live a better life ?
London is the wealthiest city in England. It was not always that way and it was rife with poverty, prostitution and drugs. As the city expanded property prices soared and all the jerks who used to live there sold up. I’ve been stuck in the midlands because I’ve been tied to a contract but now that’s over there’s nothing to keep me in this shithole. It’s not about money because nice parts of the country do not necessarily reflect the local economy. Getting a job might be a problem but you can always go self employed.
Your right. Money isn’t everything nor is it the final and ultimate goal in life to achieve.helping others and being fulfilled by the thought that u made a difference the changed for the better is where its at. happiness is the goal, and money can’t buy that.
Ex: Alexander the Great and Diogenes
I was thinking of Alexander the Great because he tried to invade north India but got beaten up. What are the chances.
Not of going to north India and getting beaten up, but the two of us thinking about the same person.
But alexander the Great betrayed his own people he was overshadow by his pride which made everybody hate him too much pride + power = Self distruction. !!
It feels like everything seems to end in self destruction.
It does unless you find the road that leads to self acceptence and happiness NO distruction at all
I’m a magnet for trouble but maybe I can get back on track. Hopefully this weekend will be a good one. First classic of the season.
Me too but shit happens. Trouble and problems are attractive to us
What are you doing up this late, or really early depending on how you look at it.
Its not late lol