I cant shake these dark thoughts, suicide seems so appealing. I’ve been exposed to an incurable Virus, I’ve been getting help, finding support from others that are living with it, but i cant help but feel disgusting, like a leper. I feel dangerous, someone people should stay away from. I don’t want to have “The Talk” with anyone, I want to have a clear conscience. I don’t want the stress of giving my “gift” to someone else, I cant live with that. I cant live like this. I cant deal with the pain, the discomfort. I’m uncomfortable in my own skin, I only have ONE body, I want to LEAVE  this body. Where is the reset button? Where can i buy a time machine? Why am i waking up to this nightmare? Why did the condom break? Why did I ruin my LIFE?  I’m RESPONSIBLE, I can only blame MYSELF. It’s no ones fault. I have to live with that FOREVER. I don’t want to live,  I want to die NOW.
The virus of self hate, depression, and suicide is much more evil than any incurable blood born virus you may have been exposed to.
You can live and live well with any virus,
But you must learn to live with yourself.
I too am looking for life’s reset button and a time machine just in case.
But I’ll settle for the REAL Staples “easy button” for life’s problems. Then we all would be on easy street.
I hope you get well. No lou garricks disease