I am 28 years old still living with my parents and I am ready to give up. In fact giving up is something I have become good at over the years. I now have no money and thousands of dollars in debt (never finished college) oh and by the way my mother is an alcoholic and my father has cancer.Our home is also infested with bedbugs and we have 4 dogs that all they do is bark and go to the bathroom all over the house. I have never had my own car I did move our briefly when I was 23 but that didn’t last long. I feel like a failure. The only thing I have going for me is a loving girlfriend but she is thousands of miles away. I quit my old job for a job I thought was better but now I am not so sure. All I want to do is sleep until I don’t wake up. I just keep making all the wrong choices. I just want this pain to stop. I need something good to happen in my life. If anyone out there has ever gone thru something like this I really could use the support. I don’t want to kill myself but the mountain before me seems to tall. I really do want to be happy and on my own but it feels impossible. Maybe when I was in my earlier 20’s but now I feel my opportunity has passed and my end will come soon.
I have been in a similar, but not identical, situation. I looked on craigslist and found people that wanted a roommate and for 2 years I left the house that I was in. It sort of helped my outlook by changing where I lived. Sometimes life is just too damn hard, and its really hard to figure out which decisions/roads to take. Good luck. Im here if you want to talk/vent.
I’ve not really been through anything similar (though I don’t leave my house very much, and I often feel trapped. I don’t know if you feel like that too sometimes), but I don’t think your end has to come anytime soon. I understand how tiring it can feel, and like it will never change, but it doesn’t mean it’ll stay or feel that way forever. How was it last time you were living on your own?
When I lived on my own I was happy with my girlfriend at the time. However I didn’t have all these student loans and other debts I have now. I feel trapped.
None of this will trap you forever… It’s all things you can ease out of over time. It’s a matter of figuring out how to start moving away from it, which of course is difficult and can be stressful, but… you can do it. 🙂
I understand you completely