i want to fit in,i want to be normal, i want to be happy naturally without faking this smile everyday, why is that so much to ask for? people took advantage of me wen i was nice, and stept all over me, now that i am heartless and cold, people dont want to be around me,why? because i dont have something that you could take advantage of anymore?i can never do anything right,whats wrong with me,
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@Noexpcetion: Like i said in your other post, from what i read in your comments you seem like a genuinely good person deep down. And like you said in my other post, you shouldnt change yourself for others. I know you said you did it for your safety, but shouldnt you just be yourself? Im sure that they’re are people out there that would appreciate you for who you are the same way i did tonight. Your words helped me alot tonight. And i hope me telling you that will help you in some way to. Just be yourself, because being yourself is the most beautiful person you can be. As corny as that sounds.