k, lately things have been horrible. i got contact with this one guy again who has been helping me through everything and AtTheEnd im so sorry everything i said i had no right too and i know its impossible to forgive me then my sister has been causing me so much stress with hittin, punching, biting, and choking me, i have been so fucking stress and this is where i must be crazy i was telling that guy i just contact with again bout all this and he said he doesnt want to his gf to be so sad i said im your gf? he said yeah for the past two weeks. WTF! i managed to forget i have a boyfriend??? that goes to prove i have been really stressed. ahhh FUCK MAKE THE PAIN STOP!!!
Nice title
Wow… wish I knew what to say.. And something going on with AtTheEnd? Hasn’t emailed me in a while. I was starting to get worried..
He went to the hospital. We text everyday and yesterday he wasn’t feeling very safe after cutting really bad. I’m proud of him for telling his mother though. It was the right thing. He will be ok. He has been very depressed lately.
And fakingit…please…it will be ok. I promise. I’m here for you. I’m sorry that all this is happening. But maybe this all happened for a reason. You never know….
no with AtTheEnd we were texting and got in an arguement and so outa anger i told him e should die and yes i know it was wrong and i take it back but i wish more then anything that i could
Oh… I’m proud of him for that too. Could you remind him to email me? And fakingit, yes that was waaaay out of line saying that but we all have our moments. I’m glad he’s ok though.. We know you didn’t mean it and I’m sure he does too. I cut a little last night. Haven’t done it in a few weeks but..
no he thinks i was serious and meant it and yes i was way outa line like i said i would do anything i could to take it back an last night i cried for 8 hours outa guilt and wanted to cut so much but i didnt cut i honestly didnt mean anything i said to him :/
I mean, is he home now? Still in the hospital? And please let him know I would like to talk to him..
i think still in the hospital but idk he wont talk to me
We all have those moments fakingit. But you know we are here for you and him. I’m gonna stay on this post all day and night for you and for him. I know you feel bad and you’re not the only one that’s worried about him. But even through what you said we all do what we can. I’ll be here even if you don’t comment back, i’ll stay to make sure both of you are ok. And alive
He is still in the hospital. He is going to text me when he gets out. He texted me until the ambulance came to get him. I will tell him Dawn that you want to talk to him. I bet he will appreciate that. He has been real lonely lately.
And fakingit! Seriously…it is ok. We all say things in our anger, but once we realize our mistake and sincerely apologize then it is up to the other person to be the mature one and forgive us.
Thanks Rebel and wow you said that perfectly. I’m still here and fakingit, if you need to talk more u can email me or just keep commenting. I’ll be here still tho
@dawn- thanks idk i just hope he doesnt hate me
@rebel- ok ok like i said i just want him to know im really sorry
Hope he’s okay. 🙁
He’s okay. Made some new friends. He txted me today. He’s staying there for a while, and doesn’t always have time on the phone. He’ll get phone time by this weekend. And i’m sure if you want to ask, you can get his address. But he’s alive. Thank the lord.