To me the only way to live is to say its my life and I will do what ever I fucking feel like doing. If I don’t want to go to school I dont go, If I feel like going outside at 3am I say fuck the curfew. I will no longer have anybody ever again tell me what to do and I will personally clash with anybody telling me otherwise. I dont give a fuck about societies norms and expectations and Fuck getting a job. I am obligated to absolutely fucking nothing at all becuase I didnt even choose to live this life. If I got to prison fuck if i care Ill brow the fucking place up with home made bombs and walk right out. I am a completely loose canon and I will not be fucked with, I have lost my tolerence for bullshit. I am absolutely dissapointed with how dull this cookie cutter life is and I will not fall into some boring pointless routine
*go to prison, blow
Unfortunately prison is not that easy to blow your way out of