Once again, I cut myself. I can’t remember if it was before or after I took some pills though. I cut myself with a razorblade, it’s kind of my new self harm strategy. It tears up my wrist more, but I feel like it doesn’t scar as bad, we’ll just have to see how it goes. This time I didn’t count the pills I took, i just grabbed a handful and tried to take them down as fast as I could. I don’t know why, but I had this sense that I should write about it on here, like I used to. I’m sure it’s been a little over a month now since my last post, a little over a month since I last cut, or took pills. I want everything to end, I’m just not sure if it’ll end with me dead or alive.
That’s really a great way of looking at it. Wanting it to end but not knowing if you’ll be dead or alive. I’m in the same boat.
Hi MTME, Sorry to hear things seem like they are so bad. I can say i feel down and out quite often, hence why i’m on here. i’ve tried to end it so many times but i’m still here. it sucks it really does. maybe i am here for an unknown reason, i dont believe it but who knows. All i can ssuggest is write down how your feeling, post it on here or if you want a more one on one FB me and i’ll listen. We all need to have somebody to feel comfortable talking to who is not going to judge us. we are all on this site for somewhat the same reasons. Be strong, think prositive, it helps me, maybe it’ll help you a little bit aswell. try to think the last time you were happy and smiling and go from there. Hod your head high, take care.