I just don’t know what to do anymore. I do have a sense of relief right now, since I found this page. And I know it seems stupid that something as simple as stumbling across a website can give me any relief from the way I feel right now, but I’ll take what I can get. I feel like things couldn’t possibly be any worse, but I know thats not true at all, because they have been worse before. I suppose it is a bit comforting to be able to get this off my chest without having the repercussions that telling an actual person can have. I just don’t want to do this anymore. I am sick of constantly feeling weak, and worthless, and like a huge failure no matter what I do. I am also sick of people telling me to “be more positive” and “someone has it worse” and “don’t worry, it will get better.” I feel like those phrases only seem to come from people who have never felt this way before. And I do not appreciate people belittling my problems by telling me someone has it worse. I am not saying they don’t, but I should be entitled to my feelings whether or not someone has it worse, without having to be told. Â I guess the issue is I don’t feel like I am ever allowed to have my feelings. There is always some reason why I shouldn’t feel the way I do. I feel so angry right now. Sorry…
There comes a point in life when you have to realize that it’s your life, nobody else’s. You’re completely entitled to feel how you want, when you want. Regardless of how petty it may seem to the rest of the world, it’s your feelings. In instances of outside judging, I like to say, pardon my French, fuck the world.
You are telling real people. It’s just that we all feel more or less the same way you do so we are able to understand what you’re going through as apposed to some happy, made the in the shade douche that’s never had a single suicidal thought in their life. Who are they to tell you it’ll get better? Maybe it won’t maybe it will. I’m sure there millions of people on this planet that are worse off then you are but telling you that is’nt going to make your depression go away.